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'Narrated by the glorious scholars' (qasida 15:47)

This is the motto of this section, which is for preserving and the knowledge about the valuable books of our great religious predecessors.

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Great Ancestors' Books


Since we are constantly in need for the non-distorted books of our predecessors, and since some irresponsible groups had intentionally or unintentionally printed distorted books and spread them either in the markets or on the internet, there aroused an insisting need to find reliable sources for the books and knowledge of the virtuous predecessors. So, we are nominating to you some sister sites that choose accurately every book they present. This way you can easily find the books and texts of our predecessors which some people tried to hide and conceal, but Allah will complete His guidance, even if biased people dislike.

We will mention some of the books, from these sites, that sheikh Fakhr Eldin quoted from in his books and lessons. More information about these sites are in the library page in our main site. 


A book from the library:

Book of Imam ar-Razy:


Interpretation of ar-Razy


The Interpretation of ar-Razy is famous as "the great interpretation" or "the keys to the unseen", by Imam Mohamed ar-Razy Fakhreddin son of the knowledgeable Deya'addin Omar known as the preacher of the Ray - a place in Asia. He is of Tabarian origin and of Razian birth, from the city of Ray. He was a student of his father and al-Kamak as-Semnany, then Ali al-Baghwi, and al-Galy, student of Ghazaly. He worked in the principles and in Fiqh until he passed all his concurrent scholars in Fiqh and religion. He also, worked with the debate, the talking, the philosophy, the Medicine, in addition to interpretation. If there was any dispute, he would have been the most brilliant. He stood for the doctrine of: the Mo'tazela [the retired] and the Karamiya, and he got hurt from them. He collected in his book "the great interpretation" or "the keys to the unseen", what in not present in other interpretations. This book is characterized by:

- Digression, grammar explanation, dimensions, distributions, and branching.

- The different readings, extracting meanings from it, and grammar for it.

- The poetry and its grammatical and rhetorical conclusions.

- The direct reasons for revelations narrated to Companions and followers.

- The opinions of the great interpreters like: Ibn Abbas, Ibn al-Kalby, Mojahed, Qatada, as-Saddey, Sa'eid ibn Gobayr.

The publisher and the commenter did not interfere with its script.


The book’s link in Al-Turath site


Introduction by the Editors

Translated by Heba


Note: to download & use these books, you need to down the compressed files (rar files) of the book and place it in the same folder and do not change their names. Then open any compressed file and you will find the book which may comprise of one (pdf) file or several ones which in turn will be decompressed to a one folder and do not change any of their names. Now you open any of them using the acrobat reader


A Selection of brother’s readings:


The Knowledgeable Glorious Scholars


Thanks to Allah who has made the knowledgeable scholars successors to the prophets to inherit their manners and became role models for everyone. Many people got strayed and got away from the guidance of the Beloved [PPBUH] when they did not take the great old knowledgeable scholars of this nation as their source of knowledge, instead they became addicted to taking from the recent simple ones. This way they got away from what their righteous ancestors used to have and what was settled by the Islamic nation for decades and centuries.

The Prophet [PPBUH] said: (People are still in blessing as long as they took their knowledge from their knowledgeable elders. When they start taking from their young unknowledgeable ones then they are doomed). The Prophet [PPBUH] also said: (This religion is knowledge, so be careful who to get from). He [PPBUH] also said: (When the knowledgeable scholars die, people will choose their leaders from unknowledgeable ones. When they ask them, they will answer without knowledge, so they will lead astray and mislead everyone, and there is no strength no power but from Allah).

sayydi Fakhreddin Mohamed Osman [AAH] said:

[If you were asked: What is the book? It is       from what is narrated by the great scholars] (qasida 15:47)

All scholars agreed that no one can disparage any word from the Prophet [PPBUH] or judge it as being fabricated or weakly narrated, unless he has an absolute proof from Qur'an or Sunna of the Prophet [PPBUH]. From the start of the first century and up until now, great scholars [AAT] have taken the mission of preserving Turath of our true religion [inherited knowledge from the Prophet, His companions, and our great scholars]. They have been preserving it the same way as the Prophet [PPBUH] wanted them to do. That is how the authentic Hadith, true interpretations, and Historical events from the start of Mohammad' Message till our current day, were preserved and predicated honestly and truthfully. One of the main glorious scholars, with a great resume, is:


Imam Fakhreddin ar-Razy


He is Mohamed ibn Omar ibn al-Husin ibn Ali, called as Fakhreddin, and nicknamed as Abi-Abdallah Fakhreddin ar-Razy [AAH]. He was born in 544 H, and died in 601 H, of age 57 year. He was raised in a house of knowledge, as his father was a great scholar for Shafi'iya. His father was also a preacher and had books like "the ultimate aspiration in the science of talk", about which, Imam as-Sobky said: it is one of the best books of Ahl-as-Sunna, and of the most investigated. His father was also eloquent, intelligent, knowledgeable of Fiqh and Hadith, speaker, and also a writer and had extremely good prose. Imam ar-Razy grew up under the care of his father, who was, beside being a father, a teacher. His father spared him asking others for knowledge. Imam ar-Razy used to admit his father's favor in many of his knowledge. He used to call him, in his books, sheikh father, teacher father, and happy Imam.

Ar-Razy used to wish if he can abandon many of the natural needs to save time for knowledge. He said: «I swear by Allah, that I am sorry for losing the time in eating than in getting knowledge. Time is precious». Allah gave him a wonderful memory, an active mind, supper intelligence, and readiness for acquiring knowledge that was very rare for his concurrent scholars. That was why he could acquire, in very short time, many of the books of the preceding scholars. Imam ar-Razy saw that learning all kinds of knowledge is a Shari'a duty, so he loved learning and he did not discriminate between sciences, except as good and better. To him, all kinds of knowledge were obligations, necessary to support obligations, needed for worldly life, or had to be learned to acknowledge its harms and dangers to be able to guide others for avoiding it. He was, in his learning, like an amateur who browses books, takes from knowledge what he likes, or is satisfied with the titles and summaries. Rather He was an example of the scrutinizing knowledgeable researcher who go deep for the obscured matters and the most difficult tasks to discover the vague and explore the unknown. He extraordinary and unequaled patience for following up on quests and researching. That is why his circle of knowledge was vastly widened and varied. So he became one of the greatest jurists, men of Fiqh, speakers, interpreters, phylosophers, grammatist, linguist, poet, teacher, and preacher. Therefore he was called the Imam by the Shafi'iya in all there books: Fiqh, religion, and talk, so when you see them calling someone Imam within these books, you know that they mean Imam ar-Razy. He wrote books in the principles of Fiqh and religious science, so He was from Ahl-as-Sunna and with very good relations with the Sufis especially there sheikh; Mohyeddin ibn Arabi. He collected in his book "the keys to the unseen" or "the great interpretation", what in not present in other interpretations. His session used to be a beacon seeked by the people of knowledge and religion. He also has two books in the science of the principles; "the harvest" and "the forty". He became famous allover the countries until he was called "sheikh of Islam".

Ar-Razy perfected two languages: Arabic and Farsi, and he poetry with both. He is considered to be one of the founders of the talk science, and he wrote a book for it; "the high requests". He is the first one from east to say that the logic science is a separate one and did not connect it with another science. He was the first to introduce, in his research, the arrangement according to logical rules from the introductions to the deduction of results. He divided, in his research, the book into sections then into chapters then into issues.

Allah gave him five gifts that was not collected in any of his concurrent scholars: the eloquence, the ability to talk, the fair mind, the wide information, and the perfect memory that helped him to report the evidences and conclusions.

Imam ar-Razy wrote some books and traces in each of the sciences known in his time, to prove that he deserved that high scientific rank.

Ar-Razy was also skillful in Medicine, and he explained the books of Ibn Sina: "the law in Medicine", "the eyes of wisdom", and "the signs and warnings". He also wrote a book in the pulse, a book in the drinks, and a book in the autopsy from head to toe. He also set some theories in medicine; the most important of them is his theory of a relation between the shape of the skull and the mind ability. He referred the individual differences to the differences in the states of the minds. He defined that in three states. In the nineteen century, his theory was proved on the hands of a group of German scientists, but he had beaten them to it several centuries before.

This genius scientist founded the science of motion, but history was not fair with him, as he was not give his right of appreciation and glory. After him this science was established and Newton was inspired his laws. So he was the creator of an integrated school that affected the course of old and new science. As he was interested in the science of motion, so he exceeded who was before him and he founded theories that preceded his followers. We can deduce from his sayings in the book of "the shining researches in the science about nature and God" that he discovered the laws of attraction and motion five centuries before Isaac Newton. He said: «the attraction of the body to its closer neighbor is more than its attraction to farther neighbor...». He also said: «... the renewal of the grades of acceleration and retardation is according to the grades of the external and internal obstructions. We understand from this that, if it was not for the obstructions; like the friction, the body would have kept the same velocity, because the change in velocity is related to these obstructions...». From his own experiments he deducted that: «... the balanced ring, under two equal forces, is under the effect of action and resistance, i.e. there is an action and a reaction equal in magnitude and opposite in direction causing the state of equilibrium...».

Ar-Razy explained a lot of natural phenomenon such as the occurrence of sound and the difference between the impact force and the fixed force. He discovered a lot of theories in: physics, mathematics, and medicine. He has a thesis "in astronomy". So he was really an encyclopedic scientist, very accurate, and with sharp intelligence. He added a lot to the science of religion, medicine, the pure science, literature, rhetoric, science of talk, and founded the science of motion.


Edited By G. Salah

Translated by Heba



The advantage of knowledge, teaching, and learning


The messenger of Allah [PPBUH] said: (If Allah wanted something good to someone, He would give him the Fiqh in religion and inspire him his awareness). He [PPBUH] also said: (the knowledgeable are the successors of the prophets). It is known that no rank is above the rank of the prophets and no honor is above that of inheritance of this rank. He [PPBUH] also said: (all what is in heavens and earth are asking Allah for forgiveness to the knowledgeable). So what grade is above the one for whom the angels of heavens and earth are asking for forgiveness. The Prophet [PPBUH] also said: (the wisdom increases the honor of the honored, and raises the slave to the rank of the kings). This way He drew attention to the fruits of this knowledge in the worldly life and in the hereafter, and of course, the hereafter is better and lasting. He [PPBUH] also said: (two merits can not be in a hypocrite: good way and manner and Fiqh in religion). He [PPBUH] said: (If a day comes when I did not increase in the knowledge that gets me closer to Allah, then the sunrise of that day will not be blessed for me). He [PPBUH] also said: (In the day of judgment, three will intercede: the prophets then the knowledgeable then the martyrs). So what rank that is under the prophets and above the martyrs, in spite of what was told above the advantage of the martyrdom. The Prophet [PPBUH] said: (Allah was not worshiped with anything better than Fiqh in religion. And one man of Fiqh is harder for Satan than a thousand worshiper. Everything has a core and the core of this religion is the Fiqh). He [PPBUH] also said: (you are in a time with a lot of men of Fiqh, a little of readers and speakers, a little of askers, and a lot of givers, work at this time is better than knowledge. There will come a time with a little of men of Fiqh, a lot of speakers, a little of givers, and a lot of askers, at that time the knowledge is better than work). He [PPBUH] said: (whoever took a road to ask for knowledge, Allah will take him to a road to the paradise).

Ali ibn Abi-Talib [AAH] said to Kamil: «O, Kamil. knowledge is better than money. Knowledge guards you and you guard the money. Knowledge is a governor and money is governed. Money decreases when you spend it, but knowledge purifies when you spend it». Ali [AAH] also said: «a knowledgeable is better than a fasting praying Mojahed. When a knowledgeable dies the Islam is grooved a groove that would not be filled except with a successor». Ibn Abbas [AAH] said: «I was humiliated as asker, then I became honored as asked». Ibn Melikah [AAH] said: «I have never seen like ibn Abbas, if you see him you see the best one in face, if he talks he is the best one of Arabic tongue, if gives Fatwa he is the largest one of knowledge». Al-Hasan [AAH] said about the verse: [Our Lord, give to us in this world good, and good in the Hereafter] al-Baqarah 2:201, al-Tawba 9:122, that : «the good in this world is the knowledge and worship, and in the hereafter is paradise». from the book of Ehia' Eloom ad-Din.


Edited by Abdel-Hamid Babakr

Translated by Lamia'