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'My Loved ones study my words with each other' (qasida 1:7)

This is the motto for this section, which is for the meanings that come out of the brothers and sisters group studies [Tadarus].

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Meaning of Love


[and he who surf the waves of the sea of my loving

Then I am the ship and the love is the sail] 23/6

We try here to go deep in some meanings of this verse and its intrinsic essence, hoping to get an ornament from this deep sea. We will not be able to reckon all its details in a finite time, place, or resources.

The question is: Are the loving and love meaning the same thing?

We say: that the source of the word love is a verb (to love) with the same letters for the name (love) which means the feeling that results in the heart from being attached to someone or something out of intimacy and satisfaction in the area of matter and imagination. Whereas loving moves this feeling to the stage of willing where the one who is sought, the seeker, the beloved, and the lover. The example for that are the electric energy and the potential difference.

The stages and ranks of loving are: inclination, loving, adoring, ardent love, passion, infatuation, madness in love, captivation. The question is: Is love or loving easy? The answer is definitely: No. Otherwise, it would have been attained by everyone without effort or sleeplessness. It was said:

[he does not know love unless he suffers it

nor does he know ardent love except he who endures it]

It was also said:

[a covenant has forbidden her, not to be derived

unless by someone who spends in its love the highest of the dowry]

our sheikhs the people of Allah [AAT] said many thing in this context which is beyond counting, because their whole thing is built on love. That is where the term [he who surf] [the waves] [of the sea] [of my loving] each word here expresses the gravity and the greatness of this matter.

In the Arabic dictionary: to surf is to come over something which means that: he who enters the sea of love is like the one who gets on top of a high place or horseback. So he will need a driving will to urge him to ride the risk of the high chopping waves.

The sea of loving: loving is a sea. It was said:

[a sea of love, in which we are ships       

he who wants it, should be ready for trials]

Loving is that great secret and that wonderful elixir which connects between the atoms and distances. It is also the home of confusion. That is why Imam Fakhreddin expressed the place of confusion as:

[we got down in the sea of "hoo" as swimmers

and we were sure that connection is coming] 39/1

The people who seek Allah need this loving to be able to cross the obstacles of the path. They associate with it and do not feel strange. Sd. Omar ibn al-Farid said:

[I did not know estrangement from home, while He is with me

and my mind, wherever we were, was not disturbed]

[the house is my house and my love is present, and whenever

He shows up, them the way of the Jiraa - a far away deserted place - is my way]

Sd. Abdel-Ghany an-Nabulsy [AAH] explained that saying: Home starts with anyone from where lives in some country or town, but the real home we all came from is the first creation. So souls will never settle unless it reaches that home from which it came. So this thing need the motivated soul, the one with aspiration, and which responds to the call of the caller to Allah, and rises up to walk through the sea of loving. It was also said:

[in love, I sacrificed souls and selves]

In the interpretation of the Surrounding Sea, sheikh Aboel-Abbas at-Tigani [AAH] said: the seas are a metaphor for hearts of the great saints. For ibn Arabi, the term "sea" leads to a group of term: the sea of damage, the sea of the tiny particles, the sea of souls, the sea of speech, the sea of thanking, the sea of love, the sea of beginning, the sea of Qur'an, the sea of no beginnings, the sea of everlasting, the bitter sea, the sea of truth, the sea of essence, the sea of the land of truth… he said that it is difficult to count the terms to which ibn Arabi added the word sea.

We go back to the verse:

[and he who surf the waves of the sea of my loving

Then I am the ship and the love is the sail] 23/6

This verse talks about the love of the sheikh and his care for his seekers through out their stages. As it has a huge gravity, while the sheikh has paved the way for seeker and took his hands to cross its grossness. So that rough ocean needs a ship to take the seekers to the sought. The loving, care, and guidance of the sheikh are that ship. This ship sails with the wind of love, so it has to have a sail and the wind blows up this sail. The sailing of the ship depends on the efficiency and strength of the sail. So as we showed this sail was the love. Allah said [and the ships which run upon the sea with that which is of use to men] al-Baqarah 164.

As for the passion: the dictionary of "Arab's Tongue" said: passion is the continuous agony, trail, love, adoring and what cannot be avoided. Of that what was described about hell that "its agony is passion". They said:

[Lo! Passion is the life, so live with it

adoring, as it is your right to die and be buried]

So this passion is that burning fire and the intrinsic energy that give the love to life. Imam Fakhreddin said:

[He dies as a martyr, he who loved Muhammad,

his family and companions so what a happy dead one] 1/135

The sail of the ship: represents the Shari'a [in Arabic it is derived from the same word] it is also the place of drinking water. Allah said [For each We have appointed Sher'a (divine law) and a traced-out way] al-Ma'ida 48. Allah also said [And then have We set you on a clear Sher'a (divine law) of commandment] al-Gathiya 18.

May Allah connect us to them while surfing the waves of their love to the witnessing of His Hadra and may He make Sd. Muhammad [PPBUH], His Beloved Chosen One, accepts us, our brothers, sisters, and every seeker for you on Your Shari'a that You accepted.


Written by Abdel-Hamid Babekr

Translated by Sameh