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the Prophet - Companions - People of Allah - Barriers


'The Barriers from Al-Mohaimen are four' (qasida 5:16)

This is the motto of this section, which is for talking about the barriers that cuts off the Moslems' relations with Allah [Al-Mohaimen which is a name of Allah that means the Dominant who controls everything]. We need to know these barriers in order for us to be able to avoid or rectify them in our path to Allah.

This section started with a question from one of our viewers, which he sent to the Discussion page. We then found out that it is a big issue that needs more extensive discussion. We found a book made out of a research conducted by a group of brothers which took them 2 years to complete. This book discusses this subject extensively from the point of view of sayyidi Fakhreddin because it was made with the help of some of his older companions. The book's title is "al-Morshid al-Wagis" which means [the summarized guide].

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What would you do, if you were in my shoes?


That was the title of a program that used to be broadcasted on the Radio in Egypt, which discusses the problems of the people. They used to host some people to ask them about a solution for the problem under discussion. I am using this title to show you the problem that I have and maybe many others, with some differences in the shape but not in the contents. As the problems that faces mankind ever since Allah created them until the end of time does not changed in its purport or the cause of its existence, but it changes in shape and tools according to the time or era. These problems happens because of the dispraised qualities of mankind, and the worst of it are, with no ordering, greed, hatred, envy, and grudge. I found them to be the cause of every ordeal and plague. So what do we do to fight these plagues and cure its chronic diseases?

I sat with myself thinking so that, I may reach a solution for this eternal problem. An idea shined in my head and I said to myself “Is not every illness has a cure?” So I should look for the cure, and I started my journey looking for a reason that may lead to the cure of mankind’s difficult diseases. With an effort and questioning the worldly doctors and the philosophers of our time, I did not find what satisfies my thirst or rests my heart. A friend advised me and said “You went to the worldly life and did not find a solution to your problem, so why do not you go to the hereafter?” I looked at him madly and said “Do you want me dead?” He said “I did not intend this meaning. What I am saying is that you tried the worldly cure and it did not work, so why do not you go seek the cure of the hereafter? That is to go to the scholars of the hereafter who preferred their hereafter to anything else and took very good care of that matter. Those who know Allah. You would find your cure with them”. I had no objection and I decided with myself that I should, before I go or look for those scholars, read their available books to get to know them and get to know my illness and its cure, so if I find anything that needs discussion, I would discuss it with them knowing what they are talking about.

I hurried to the books of the glorified scholars. Now, I wish I did not do that, and that I went directly to them without reading and thinking about it. Anyway, I was caught by a title in the first book I opened. The title said “the lesions of the tongue”. I was thrilled with the fact that this subject is pointing to the resident illness of mankind. In the introduction of this subject there was simple words: The tongue is one of the great gifts of Allah and His kind strange creations. As its size is small, however its obedience or offense is great. Because the difference between belief and disbelief can only be shown by the tongue testimony. Also there is no existing or destitute, creature or creator, known or imagined, assumed or deluded unless it is handled with the tongue and proven or denied with it. Everything that is handled by science is expressed with the tongue; either with right or wrong, and there is nothing unless science handles. This is a quality that is not found in all other organs. As an eye can only reach pictures and colors, and ears can only reach sounds. But a tongue’s field is wide with no boundaries or limits. It has a very wide field in the goodness, and quite a long tail in the evil. Nothing capsizes people on their noses in hell, except what they reap with their tongues…

I stopped for a while and did not finish the introduction, and I said to myself “Was I looking for a solution or waste away?!” So I turn the page so that I may find what rests my heart and calms my soul. The first thing I read in the next page was: Know that the tongue's danger is tremendous, and there is no escape from it except with silence. In the Hadith narrated by al-Bayhaqy, Imam Ahmed and at-Turmuzy, the Prophet [PPBUH] said (He will survive, whoever keeps silent). At-Turmuzy also narrated from Oqba ibn Amer that he said: I said "O Messneger of Allah how is salvation?" so he said (Hold you’re your tongue to yourself, stay in your home, and weep for your sin).

What a diagnosis for the illness and it healing cure. The illness is the tongue and the cure is to hold it from … from what? Twenty lesion or illness comes out of unleashing this tongue. First of it is speaking in what does not concern you, which the subject that I am following to rest my heart. So listen with me to rest yours too. The Messenger of Allah [PPBUH] said (of the good Islam of a one is leaving what does not concern him). And from Mohamed ibn Ka'b that the Messenger of Allah [PPBUH] said (the first man to come through this door is one of the people of pradise). And Abdullah ibn Salam entered, so some of the companions of the Messenger of Allah [PPBUH] went to him and told him what the Prophet [PPBUH] said, and they asked him: Tell us about the best thing you do and you think it is the cause of this award? He said: I am a weak man and the best thing, I ask Allah with, is a clear chest and leaving what does not concern me.

Ibn Abbas was heard saying "Five things are more likable to me than the leg colored horses: Do not speak about what does not concern you, as it is excess and you will not be safe from the sins. Do not speak about what concerns you unless you find a place for it, as a speaker, about what concerns him, who puts it in other than its place, would be offender. Do not dispute with a forbearing or an indecent one, as a forbearing one will forsake you and an indecent one will hurt you. Talk about your brother, while he is absent, the same way you would like him to talk about you, and spare him what you would like him to spare you, and treat him the same way you would like him to treat you. Do the deeds of a man who know that he would be rewarded for the extremely good deeds, and repaid for the respect". The legs colored horses are marked with white collar between the leg and hoof.

Sayydi Omar [AAH] said "Do not interfere with what does not concern you, and isolate from your enemies. Be ware of your friends except the honest ones, and no one is honest except those who fear Allah, Almighty. Do not accompany the dissolute because you would learn from his dissoluteness, and do not let on your secret. Consult, in your affairs, those who fear Allah, Almighty".

It was narrated that sayydi Loqman, the wise, enter to sayydi Dawoud [PBUT] while he making an armor, which he did not see before that day, so he was wondering of it. He wanted to ask about that, but his wisdom stopped him, so he held himself and did not ask. When sayydi Dawoud [PBUH] finished, he stood up and wore it. Then he said "What a good armor for the war it is!" sayydi Loqman said "silence if a wisdom that only few do it".

Those were brief words about the first of the lesions of the tongue. I am not one of the few mentioned by sayydi Loqman [PBUH] who can keep silence, i.e. they have there cure in their hands. And I cannot cut it to be safe from its evil, because it still has many good. I am so confused. So what would you do, if you where in my shoes?


Written by Ahmed Abbas

Translated by Sayed